Sunday, November 25, 2018

Health Issues: Steroids pdf download (by Karla Fitzhugh)

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Anabolic steroids are drugs that some people take for non-medical reasons. Some athletes take them to make themselves more muscular and stronger. Some young people take the drugs to change the way their body looks. This book explains what steroids are, and who is likely to use them. It describes the real risks of steroid abuse to health - the physical effects on the body, as well as the mental and emotional effects. It also looks at how steroid abuse can affect relationships and careers, and gives advice about giving up the drugs. It also features case studies and science panels, together with colour photos, glossary, resources and index.
Karla Fitzhugh ebooks downloads
Health Issues: Steroids ipod
Health Issues: Steroids by Karla Fitzhugh ebook pdf epub mobi

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